böhm Kabeltechnik GmbH
Administration Iserlohn | Germany
Hall-Str. 8 | 58638 Iserlohn
Invoice address | Germany
P.O. Box 1234 | 58582 Iserlohn
Logistics centers | Germany
Kalthofer Feld 3 | 58640 Iserlohn
Zollhausstraße 6 | 58640 Iserlohn
t. +49 2371 8286- 0 |f. +49 2371 8286-82 | e. info@boehm-Kabel.de
Management Board
Carsten Böhm | Nadine Böhm-Kopitz | Georg Böhm
Register entry
Entry in the commercial register | HRB 1219 Iserlohn
Sales tax ID
according to §27 a Value Added Tax Act | UID-No. DE125581282
Tax no. 328/5817/0082
böhm Kabel AG
Administration Zwingen | Switzerland
Araweg 2 | CH-4222 Zwinge
Invoice address | Switzerland
Araweg 2 | CH-4222 Zwingen
t. +41 61 76596-00 |f. +41 61 76596-09 |e. boehm@boehm-Kabel.ch
Roger Schmutz | Lorin Schmutz
Register entry
Entry in the commercial register | CH-280.002.273-2
Value added tax ID
according to §27 a VAT law | UID-No. CHE-105.132